PAM8904 1X/2X/3X Boost Piezo Driver


121 in stock (can be backordered)

The PAM8904 is a 1X/2X/3X Piezo Driver capabable of 1X/2X/3X Boost modes with an input of 1.8-5.5V.  The smPWR-PAM8904 provides a micro-sized breakout board measuring 20.4×12.7mm for the PAM8904 and provides jumper pin selections for the 1X/2X/3X modes and oversized solder pads for connecting a piezo speaker/buzzer. Additionally the device has excellent built in features such as Automatic Standby Operation and Wake-Up-Control.

smPWR-PAM8904 Documents


PAM8904 Schematic Symbol/Footprint

Discount per Quantity

Quantity 12 - 56 - 1011 - 1516 - 3535 +
Discount 0%3%5%8%10%10%
Price $5.59$5.42$5.31$5.14$5.03$5.03

121 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: PWR-BST-8904 Category:



  • 1X, 2X, 3X Selectable Boost Mode
  • 1MHz Boost Converter Operation
  • 18Vpp from 3.3Vin / 24Vpp from 5.5Vin
  • Automatic Standby and Wake-Up Control
  • Only 4 External Caps Required
  • Vin = 1.8-5.5V / 4kHz Fin Typical
  • Differential or Single-Ended Operation
  • Micro-Size Eval Board(12.7×20.4mm)
  • 54mm(0.1”) headers on 17.78mm(0.7”) spacing
  • Low Power Consumption
    • 50uA @ 1X / 720uA @ 2X / 1.7mA @ 3X No Load
    • 1uA Sleep


Sensor Maestros developed the smPWR-PAM8904 breakout board out of a necessity.  There were several products that we had developed that utilized Piezo buzzers or some sort of piezo speaker.  It is very difficult to get ear-piercing sound out of a piezo without driving them at voltages >10V.  The PAM8904 provides a simple and easy to use DC/DC Boost to easily drive piezo buzzer and/or speakers at much louder SPL levels than a typical 3.3V PWM from a MCU.


The PAM8904 1X/2X/3X Boost Piezo Driver IC is a selectable Boost Converter that accepts an input voltage ranging from 1.8-5.5V. The Boost converter can produce up to 13.5Vmax or 27Vpp.  This is easy to use Boost Converter that can be operated in Differential or Single-Ended output and is intended to drive Piezo speaker that require much larger voltage ranges to get Maximum Sound Pressure Levels in excess of 100dB.  It is ideally suited for a 4kHz PWM/Square Wave.

The 1X/2X/3X mode is selectable via EN1 & EN1 pins which can be configured via the on-board jumper selections.  Sensor Maestros will provide two 3pin 2.54mm male headers and 2 Shunts to use for this with the smPWR-PAM8904 breakout board.  This Boost Piezo driver is capable of driving up to 15nF loads with the DC/DC Boost switching at 1.0MHz and does not require any inductors.  To simplify things the PAM8904 only requires 4 external capacitors to provide a complete piezo driver solution all while providing excellent integrated features such as ‘Automatic Standby’ and ‘Wake-Up Control’.  The low cost easy to use PAM8904 comes in 3 package options being a 16pin 3x3mm QFN, 12pin 3×3 QFN and a 12pin 2x2mm QFN.  Sensor Maestros utilized the 16pin 3×3 QFN on the smPWR-PAM8904 breakout board as this was the most readily available package in the market place at the time.

PAM8904 Information:

PAM8904 Product Page:  PAM8904 Product Page
PAM8904 Datasheet:  PAM8904 Datasheet

PWM Firmware Examples:

nRF52 Low Power PWM Example:  nRF52 Low Power PWM Example
nRF52 PWM Driver Example: nRF52 PWM Driver Example

Additional information

Weight 0.01 kg
Dimensions 20 × 13 × 1 mm


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